Friday, January 16, 2009


This book may seem a little marginal for this blog, but part of the story takes place in Minnesota, and the illustrations are so wonderful that I'm going to include it.

Wingwalker is the story of eight year old Reuben who has just finished second grade in the small town of Ambler, Oklahoma during the 1930's. His father works in the oil fields, and his mother is a cook in the local cafe. Then the Dust Bowl comes and his parents are suddenly unemployed. One day his father sees a job ad for a wingwalker in a traveling air show in Minnesota. He applies and is hired and the family moves to Minnesota. They travel from place to place in Minnesota and other Midwestern states; Reuben meets some interesting characters in the sideshow, and eventually overcomes his fear of flying to join his father in the air.

Written by Rosemary Wells, with wonderful atmospheric acrylic illustrations by Brian Selznick; this is a quiet story with a big heart.

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