Saturday, January 10, 2009

Seeds of a Nation: Minnesota

So far in these postings, I have not really touched on the "state" books. By that, I am referring to various series out there which have a volume for each of the 50 states. Often they include introductory information about the history, geography, culture, state symbols, etc. Because they are so similar in format, it becomes a challenge to judge the literary quality. Someday I'll write a long post where I mention several of these titles and try to compare them.

Today I'm going to mention a book that could fall in this category, but is a little different. Seeds of a Nation is a small series published by Kids Haven Press. Each book presents the history of an area before it attained statehood. In this case, readers can learn about the people, events, and ideas that played a role in the history of Minnesota before it became a state. Written by P. M. Boekhoff and Stuart Kallen, this is a resource for Minnesota history units.

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