This is a sequel to Memory Boy (published in 2001) by Will Weaver. Memory Boy is the story of sixteen year old Miles, his sister Sarah, and their family who had to flee their suburban Minneapolis home and move to the north woods after several large volcanic eruptions in the western United States changed the environment for everyone. (It's a great story, and you must read it if you haven't.)
Survivors picks up the story after they arrive at a remote cabin (the location feels like it might be in the Lake Itasca or Bemidji area), and must find a way to survive the winter. They also must avoid being identifed as homeless "Travelers", as that could put them in more danger. Everyone relies on Miles for his commonsense outlook, ability to hunt, and other general knowledge about survival. But when Miles gets a concussion in an accident, the family is forced to make new adjustments in order to survive. It's a very worthy sequel to the first book. Don't miss it.
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