Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Secret of Zoom

The Secret of Zoom
This book made the news this summer when President Obama bought a copy for his daughters at an Iowa bookstore.  It is the story of ten year old Christina, who lives a very sheltered life in an old mansion.  Her father is a mathematician who expects her to follow in his footsteps (she hates math!). Her mother, a scientist, disappeared when Christina was just a toddler.  After discovering a secret tunnel from her house to the forest, Christina learns that children from a local orphanage are being held in prison-like conditions and forced to mine a substance called zoom (a fuel). Zoom lies dormant until someone sings a sequence of notes with perfect pitch (none of the children have perfect pitch).  Only pitch-perfect Christina can save the day in this imaginative adventure story by Lynne Jonell.  This could be a good read-aloud for middle grades.

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