Friday, October 17, 2014

Reading Together Project

The Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans and the Minnesota Humanities Center have jointly published this series of four picture books.  The Reading Together Project seeks to address the lack of children's books that speak to the experience of being an Asian Pacific Islander child or youth in the United States.  The project supports the development of English literacy skills while recognizing cultural heritage, and allowing children to learn about their cultural background.

The four books are:

Link and the Red Envelope (Hmong)

The lunar new year is here, and Linh wants to help her mother prepare for the big celebration, but she keeps making mistakes.  Can she fix the messes in time to earn a lucky red envelope?
Author: Diane Tran
Illustrator: Alex Patrick Shimkus

Tawan; The Sun Girl (Laos)


 A child's name is carefully chosen and the child must strive to live up to that name. If the child fails, it can bring sadness and misfortune.  Each of the characters in this story have been given a special name.  When a true test knocks on their door, will Tawan, Din, Nom, and Prince Jaiboun be able to live up to their names?

Author: Chay Douangphouxay
Illustrator: Alex Kuno

Night Breeze (Philippines)

Ian loves to look at the night sky, and wants to know the story of his birth mother, and his adoption from the Philippines.  Who is his mother and why did she leave him at an orphanage?

Author: Stephen Wright
Illustrator: Ilhwa Gloria Kim

Melody of the Qeej (Hmong)

Hengxue was too busy playing soccer and being with his friends to take an interest in the ancient qeej.  But one day his two best friends become curious about the instrument, and their curiosity took them to visit Grandfather, who taught the boys about the importance of the qeej during Hmong funerals.  Phengxue realizes he might want to learn the play the qeej.

Author: Mai Kou Xiong
Illustrator: Vang Lee

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