Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Farm Country Christmas Eve

Children around the world experience Christmas differently. In some places, it is warm and sunny, in others, it's cold and wintery. This story is set on a farm in rural Minnesota, and is based on the authors childhood experiences. It is 1950 and the children who live on a small dairy farm help their parents do chores in the barn, while they hope that Santa will visit their home. Jimmy, the oldest, has begun to doubt the stories of Santa, but he guides his younger siblings through feeding calves, and teaching a newborn calf to drink milk from a pail. While the kids are busy, Santa comes and leaves a surprise that transforms Jimmy into a permanent believer. Written in rhyming text by Gordon Fredrickson, illustrated by Michael Otis, this is a story that would be fun to share with city kids who have no experience of farm life.

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