Wednesday, November 14, 2007

The Voyageur's Paddle

French voyageurs and fur traders were among the earliest European visitors to the Great Lakes and the land that eventually became part of Minnesota. Traveling by canoe, voyageurs helped to establish North woods trading posts and settlements, in the process opening up the West to future exploration.
In this beautifully illustrated story, Jacque's father Edouard is a voyageur, and the story follows a yearly cycle of Edouard's life as he travels to Grand Portage, trading furs for goods that he can use to trade for more furs. Sometimes winter came early and travel was very risky. In this story Jacque helps to guide his father home in a snowstorm. Written by Kathy-jo Wargin, illustrated by David Geister, this is a realistic portrayal of voyageur life. It would be a nice resource for a unit on early Minnesota history.

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